just my back wheel is burst, the third time in just one day. But where I would yell and swear otherwise I stay now left completely. The joy over the incredible trails is just too big for me I spoiled by such a stupid rubber hose can würde.4 days biking in the Engadine, more precisely in the ski resort "Corviglia" equal in St. Moritz and Celerina. From the valley at 1700m it is either by train or bike up to 2700m. On our first tour, the engineers opted for the train, but for the perfect exit, it is also master of 200hm here again with the wheel. Really easy, but the first increase in the thin air bites into the lungs. Once at the top will not be around to take a few minutes for the magnificent view over the Swiss Alps before it goes fast in the first run. The slopes for a city dweller like me are just too overwhelming. I throw my current understanding of single-track trails on board. Eifel? Sauerland? Vogtland or Erzgebierge? The trails in the Engadine for me are a whole new league. So it happens that I put up the one time or another, because I look at the hairpin zutraue splinted or not with the geliehenden Scott Genius 40'm not 100% familiar with. Still, I'm sections, which I still could not even imagine a few days before. Sections which you sometimes see in bike magazines and just think "either pro or just plain wrong." But not only our two Pro's Robin and Fabi of x-aces.com, and Andreas (trailsandbikes.net), Hans (bikelog.de), Phil (phil.veloblog.ch), Christian (chregu.veloblog.ch) and our Michigan hosts Alex and Sarah and of course our guides, Alex and beat Nicoli perfect on the trails.

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